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We are currently getting ready to launch our 3rd summer school, starting on Monday 19th August 2013! For the first week we have 8 faculty (7 are TReND members!) from Uganda, Germany, Switzerland, the UK and (hopefully) Egypt. We hope that Dr. Wael Mohammed (Egypt) will be able to make it – given the current political situation this is still unclear. Let’s hope for the best!

Team Drosophila Neurogenetics and Bioinformatics:

Dr. Lucia Prieto-Godino (Lausanne, Switzerland) – Drosophila Neurogenetics

Dr. Isa Peset Martin (Cambridge, UK) – Drosophila Neurogenetics

Dr. Jelena Aleksic (Cambridge, UK) – Drosophila Bioinformatics


Team Electrophysiologcy and Neuronal computation:

Dr. Tom Baden (Tübingen, Germany) – Principles of Neuronal computation

Dr. Horst Schneider (Würzburg, Germany) – Electrophysiological techniques

Angelo Tedoldi (London, UK) – Electrophysiological techniques


Team Neuroscience in Africa:

Prof. Sadiq Yusuf (KIU, Uganda) and Dr. Wael Mohammed (Menoufiya Medial School, Egypt)


The first week will lay the foundations for specialised weeks 2 and 3:

Week 1: Auditory Systems, Olfactory Systems, Drosophila as model for Disease

Week 2: Motor Systems, Visual Systems, Nutrition and behaviour