TReND-ADInstruments scholarship

Congratulations to TReND Alumnus Aderemi Aladeokin for receiving this year’s TReND-ADInstruments scholarship to attend the CrawFly course held the past week at Cornell University, USA. Click here for a report. Aderemi is in the centre (10th from left). Notably,...

Successful COB grant!

Thanks to the Company of Biologists (COB) for supporting us again in 2014! Indeed, the COB were the main funders of our very first course in 2011, before we had anything to show for except a crazy idea! Thanks for the continued support.

Getting ready to ship equipment!

We have pooled a lot of donated equipment in Lausanne, CH and started packing for shipment to Dar es Salaam, TZ and Gombe, Nigeria! Special thanks to CHUV, UNIGE, EPFL, CIG (Switzerland), MPI Dev Biol and Uni Tübingen and others (Germany) for donating the equipment...

Two successful Alborada Grants!

Congratulations to two pairs of TReNDers for their successful applications to the Alborada Trust administered by Cambridge in Africa! The first grant goes to Isa Peset Martin (Cambridge) and Flora Stephano (Dar es Salaam) to support the upcoming Tanzania Neuroscience...

Our latest design: The

Complete with stage-drive and focus – this little contraption allows to hold a standard histology sample over a Raspberry-Pi camera fitted with a simple acrylic lens. Magnification is about x100, and shown...