Shaping Science Policy
True change and development that is sustainable can only succeed if policymakers are engaged.
We organise activities to bridge the gap between science and policy by facilitating discussions between scientists and local policymakers,
including national and regional politicians as well as university officers.
We want to put scientific research and education at the top of Africa’s agenda while discussing each region particular interests, needs,
and challenges. Below you can find some of our activities.
If you are a policymaker that wants to know more about how you can improve the research and education in your region, please contact us.
Meeting with National and Regional Politicians
We have organised and participated in a number of events where politicians were invited to establish a debate between local scientists and politicians.
We find these activities key as they raise awareness on politicians on why science is so important, while enabling discussions on needs and constrains on both sides.

Science Festival - Yobe State University 2017
In collaboration with the Yobe State Government, Nigeria and Yobe State University, we organised a science festival in 2017 where scientists, government officials and policymakers discussed local needs and how it can be improved through scientific research.

Science Festival - Gombe State University 2017
TReND organised a science festival in collaboration with Gombe State University, Nigeria, where local researchers, policymakers, educators, journalists and the public discussed local issues and how local innovation and change in policy could solve these issues.
University Consultancy
The TReND team has extensive expertise in science and education management and delivery. We use this knowledge to advise African universities on how they can best make use of the resources they have to establish.
Most of our publications are relevant to science policy.We trust that these articles take important information to academics and decision makers.

Neuroscience International Summer School 2017
At the opening ceremony of our 2017 Neuroscience International Summer School, we organised a public lecture to engage and connect traditional rulers, government officials, with local scientists to discuss how local research can drive innovation.

African Science Literacy Network 2019
At the launched of our Wellcome Trust-funded African Science Literacy Network, we provided a platform for scientists and journalists to interact with decisionmakers from the State and Federal Governments of Nigeria, in order to discuss Nigeria’s scientific needs and how policy change could address those needs.
Our Directors, Tom Baden and Lucia Pietro-Godino are active members of the FKNE – Kravali Network of Excellence, established in 2014 through a collaboration by the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) and The Kavli Foundation.
A message regarding the COVID-19 pandemic
A message to the TReND community Dear TReND in Africa community! We hope that you are all well. We have seen with horror how Covid-19 is ravaging European countries with good health infrastructures, such as Spain or Italy, and even in the UK, the situation is...
BioRTC Summer School 2022: An Exploratory Learning Experience
BioRTC Summer School 2022:An Exploratory Learning Experience It all started late last year when I saw the call for participation in a two-day symposium for the opening of the Biomedical research and training Center (BioRTC). The meeting brought together high-profile...
Upcoming Webinar: Peter Sarkies
Upcoming webinar: Peter Sarkies Title: “Epi-Evo: insights into epigenetic mechanisms through evolutionary analyses” Speaker: Dr Peter Sarkies, Group leader, London Institute of Medical Sciences at Imperial College London. Date and Time: Friday Dec 11, 2020 04:00 PM...
The Science Policy Team

Tom Baden

Mahmoud Maina

Lucia Pitro Godino

Sadiq Yusuf
TReND in Africa
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