Teaching and research in natural sciences For development in africa
What we do
We are passionate about supporting African biomedical researchers. We work with students and universities across the African continent.
Cutting edge training
Equipment donations
Open technology
Community outreach
Our community outreach programme is run entirely by African researchers and involves organising large community events to promote science in schools.
Science policy
We engage stakeholders in governments and funding bodies to push for better research support across the African continent.
our impact in numbers
Since its humble beginnings in 2011 TReND has run courses and outreach events with researchers and universities across the African continent. We have also collected and shipped equipment to boost the research capacity of our partner universities, and helped establish new research institutes.
course ALUMNI
Members of the Public Engaged
African partner universities
TONS of equipment shipped
Community Outreach Events
African countries
Our approach
Scientific development is pivotal for societies to innovate and solve their own problems for sustainable change. We are an international non-profit organisation devoted to promoting scientific research and education in Africa.
We believe in empowering and supporting African researchers and enabling scientific independence across the African continent. Our approach is African-led, and relies on a strong network of local partners for each project we deliver.
watch our tedx talk
One of our founders, Dr Tom Baden, talks about the origins and work of TReND.
From Our alumni
We are passionate about working with African researchers to help them fulfil their academic ambitions. Here is what our alumni say about us.
“TReND is one of the best things that ever happened to me in my career. Meeting with experts who were so generous with information and their skill is the most unselfish act I have ever witnessed in the field of science. This increased my confidence and curiosity to discover more. I finished the neuroscience summer school energized and knowing that I can do anything.”
“Working with TReND in Africa has been a life changing experience for me. Attending the intensive practical workshop empowered me with the resources necessary to obtain admittance into a prestigious scientific institute for a PhD study. Later, the support I’ve received as an alumna has given me the opportunity to develop creative ideas regarding research and the organization of scientific trainings. I am highly honored to be a part of TReND in Africa.“
“Building our own experimental equipment yielded a much deeper understanding of the principles underlying its design and a better awareness of its limits. It was a revolutionary opportunity for the entire science and biomedical science faculties of our university as the impact of the knowledge gained from this workshop is trickling down and achieving a wide impact.”
“The TReND Drosophila neuroscience course really helped in shaping my understanding of how human diseases are modelled in a cost effective way to learn about disease mechanisms and drug discovery. The course not only helped me get an A in my class, but also opened me up to neuroscience a field I had very little knowledge and awareness of. The experience I gathered has really contributed to my growth as a research scientist.”
Our Latest Work
To find out more about how we support scientific research in Africa, check out the links to our latest work below.
A couple of weeks back we presented TReND and her mission at TEDxStuttgart 2015. TED, stands for "Technology, Entertainment, Design". From their main website: “TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. TED began in...
PLoS Open Labware collection
We are pleased to have joined forces with the Public Library of Science, one of the most important academic Open Access publishers worldwide, to put together a collection of Open Hardware projects all around the lab. We will also continuously update the site as new...
Bioinformatics Course 2015 – Apply Now!
Applications are now open for our 2015 "Bioinformatics approaches for Next Generation Sequencing analysis" school Application deadline: 16th October, 2015 (11:59 p.m. CET) APPLY HERE The course will take place over 6 days from November 30th until December 5th, 2015,...
Thanks to our supporters
TReND in Africa
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